Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Technology to Take Care of Autism

The global prevalence of autism has increased twenty to thirty fold with in last 5 decades due to change of diagnostic criteria, increased awareness and biopsychosocial transformation. It is a global phenomenon that affects people of all strata from developed and developing countries.

However, the developing countries are affected more severely by this rapid escalation of this disease due to their lack of preparedness, resources and various other sociocultural problems. Among the developing countries Bangladesh is making a remarkable contribution in autism awareness and the country has already established herself as the role model for the low and middle income countries. Existing literatures reported about 2 to 8.4 children per thousand are suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder in this country. However, none of these data was extracted from a nationwide sample and few other studies have major methodological concern and inconsistency that prevent them from citing in this article. Read more>>>>>>> 

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